Best Practices:
- 2 Dedicated Uplinks
- MTU: 1500
- Port binding: Static binding
- Security
- Promiscous Mode: Reject
- MAC address changes: Reject
- Forged transmit: Reject
- Teaming and failover
- Load balancing:
- Route based on IP hash -> With distributed switch(with LACP)
- Route base on physical NIC load -> With distributed Switch (without LACP)
- Route based on originating virtual port -> With standard switch
- Network failure detection:
- Link status only -> With 1 or 2 vmnics and with LACP
- Beacon probing -> Only from 3 vmnics and without LACP
- Notify switches: YES
- Fallback: YES
- Failover order:
- Active uplinks: LAG
- Standby uplinks: none
- Unused uplinks: All other uplinks
- Load balancing:
Sources and useful links
Configuring LACP on a vSphere Distributed Switch Port Group (2034277)